Proofs Of Entry To The Faculty Of Architecture And Its Relationship With Academic Performance.

First Part: Fundamentals And Results For The Architecture Career


  • Byron Alfredo Rabe Rendón Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala


admission to the university, admission exam, entrance test, academic performance, design and architecture education


To enter the University of San Carlos de Guatemala there is a procedure established
by the Location and Leveling System. This system includes general basic knowledge
tests in all academic units and specific tests for each career. Specific tests of abstract
reasoning, verbal reasoning, spatial aptitude and numerical aptitude apply to the Faculty of Architecture. The present work seeks to establish the relationship between the entrance exams and the performance of the students during the first year of classes, identify if there are patterns between the tests and the results of those who manage to graduate in the established time and the differences that, in this regard, may exist between the careers taught in this unit. The study is cross-sectional and does an exploratory research with a quantitative approach. It covers eight cohorts, from 2011 to 2018, which include 3,103 students. The results lead us to wonder if the current selection process is making adequate technical discrimination that contributes to the success of the students entering this Faculty. This First Part includes the background, the reference framework, a general comparative analysis between the two careers and the analysis of results for the Bachelor of Architecture.


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Author Biography

Byron Alfredo Rabe Rendón, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Arquitecto (1983), maestro en Administración Pública (1988), Maestro en Docencia Universitaria (1994), Posgrado en Arquitectura para el desarrollo sostenible (2007) y Doctor en Arquitectura (2017) por la USAC, candidato a Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Panamericana. Profesor titular XII de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la USAC.



How to Cite

Rabe Rendón, Byron Alfredo. “Proofs Of Entry To The Faculty Of Architecture And Its Relationship With Academic Performance.: First Part: Fundamentals And Results For The Architecture Career”. Avance 16, no. 1 (June 30, 2020): 64–87. Accessed September 24, 2024.