Working In An Architecture Office

between the twilight of domination and the eve of independence


  • Karim Lucsett Chew Gutiérrez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala


architecture workshops, architecture office, craft of architecture, architecture in Guatemala


In the aftermath of Spanish period in the kingdom of Guatemala, an event marked
the change between the craft work and the professional work of the architect, an
evolution from the artisanal architecture to the architecture of studio. At the end of
the eighteenth century and on the eve of independence, a Spanish professional of
the illustration, and his draughtsman, installed an architecture office. The initial goal was to design a city and its main buildings, but they did more than that. A study of the furniture and equipment they used will help to understand how the architect's work was executed. The books they brought with them are evidence of their formation and can represent the encounter with the beginnings of the Neoclassical in Guatemala. The Earthquakes have destroyed much of his physical work, but the documents have managed to preserve important moments for the history of architecture. Two hundred years later, from testamentary processes, with the support of other documents will be interpreted what is described in these, to reconstruct the work that was done in what was perhaps the first architectural office in Guatemala.


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Author Biography

Karim Lucsett Chew Gutiérrez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Arquitecta con Maestría en Restauración de Monumentos, ambos títulos obtenidos en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala USAC. Doctorado en Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM. Premio Alfonso Caso 2005 por la Tesis Doctoral en UNAM. Amplia experiencia como profesional de la arquitectura tanto en el diseño como en la construcción. En la Universidad del Istmo, docente de la Licenciatura desde 1997 a 2014. Docente de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, desde 1998-2004 en las asignaturas de Diseño arquitectónico y en la Escuela de Posgrado de la Facultad de Arquitectura, docente de varias Maestrías de asignaturas relacionadas con Investigación y Restauración de Monumentos. Docente y asesora de varias tesis del programa de Doctorado de Arquitectura. Coordinadora de la Unidad de Diseño arquitectónico Nivel de formación básica en 2002-2003. Desde 2004 al 2014 directora de la Escuela de Arquitectura. De 2015 a la fecha directora de la Escuela de Postgrado. Miembro del Consejo de directores de la Facultad de Arquitectura, del Consejo Académico de Posgrado y del Consejo del Sistema de Investigación de la Facultad de Arquitectura


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How to Cite

Chew Gutiérrez, Karim Lucsett. “Working In An Architecture Office : Between the Twilight of Domination and the Eve of Independence”. Avance 20, no. 1 (June 30, 2022): 10–27. Accessed November 23, 2024.