Methodological Guide for the Incorporation of Disaster Risk Management (GIRD) and Adaptation to Climate Change (ACC) in the Curriculum of the Architecture Career Faculty of Architecture USAC



Metodología, gestión, riesgo, malla curricular.


This article arises from the need to publicize the results obtained from the “Curriculum Reform project incorporating Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management (GIRD) and Adaptation to Climate Change (ACC), as part of the curricular review of the reform process. university at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala (USAC), specifically in the degree of Architecture, with the participation of the Universities of El Salvador (UES) and the Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University (BICU) of Nicaragua." This project is part of the Interfaculty of Architecture Educational Program which included research actions, inquiry and concessions from different groups at the undergraduate, teaching, administrative and professional level. As a result of this process, the methodology was built that can be used as a basic guide for those who wish to evaluate content levels in GIRD AND ACC with the purpose of restructuring the content of the courses contained in a curricular mesh. 


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Author Biography

Ileana Lizzette Ortega Montaván

Arquitecta egresada de USAC de Guatemala, posee estudios del doctorado en Ciencia Naturales para el desarrollo Sostenible con énfasis en Gestión y Cultura Ambiental de la UNED CR. Especialista en desarrollo de proyectos municipales, planificación y gestión de riego actualmente se desarrolla como docente y consultora.


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How to Cite

Ortega Montaván, Ileana Lizzette. “Methodological Guide for the Incorporation of Disaster Risk Management (GIRD) and Adaptation to Climate Change (ACC) in the Curriculum of the Architecture Career Faculty of Architecture USAC”. Avance 24, no. 1 (June 28, 2024): 40–53. Accessed September 24, 2024.



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