Evidence of academic development of soft-skills for leadership and strategic management in subjects from the Area of Methods and Projects of the Degree in Graphic Design



Modelo basado en competencias, Desarrollo curricular, Habilidades blandas, Perfil académico, Estrategias didácticas.


The curriculum of the Degree in Graphic Design at Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala is led by the competency-based education model; the subjects from the “Methods and Projects” area from this curriculum, suggest the development of soft-skills such as leadership, management and strategic direction in students, however until now there is no evidence nor registers of specialized processes in academic evaluation that demonstrate this. The purpose of this research suggests the ability to strengthen competency-based training based on the analysis of pedagogical methods, didactic strategies, teaching techniques, and activities that favor the development and evaluation of professional competencies in academic environments, such as personalization, cooperation, and performance; according to this, the implementation and periodic evaluation of these factors in teaching practices allows the organic development of these and other soft-skills in students. 


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Author Biography

Anggely Enríquez Cabrera, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Licenciada en Diseño Gráfico énfasis Editorial, Didáctico e Interactivo; Maestría in fíeri en Mercadeo para el Diseño y certificada internacionalmente en «New pedagogies in the 21st century for higher-education teachers» por Israel, «Managerial skills for academicians and administrators» por India y «Cultura de la Investigación» por la Universidad de la Rioja. Investigadora en DIFA USAC, Docente y Asesora Metodológica de proyectos de graduación en la Escuela de Diseño Gráfico USAC. Diseñadora instruccional, desarrolladora de contenidos didácticos, conferencista y tallerista internacional.


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How to Cite

Enríquez Cabrera, Anggely. “Evidence of Academic Development of Soft-Skills for Leadership and Strategic Management in Subjects from the Area of Methods and Projects of the Degree in Graphic Design”. Avance 23, no. 2 (November 30, 2023): 10–25. Accessed September 24, 2024. https://ojs.farusac.edu.gt/index.php/avance/article/view/150.