The use of water in the urban space of the city of La Antigua Guatemala from 1833 to 1834


  • Miriam Frinee Estrada Arriaza Consultora independiente


aqueduct, paja de agua, water meter box, taujía, becerro


In colonial times the water supply sys­tem of the city of Santiago de Guatemala came from three water sources: Cañas, Pamputic and Santa Ana, from where it was led to an intake or collection well. It was afterwards introduced into the aqueduct system, either underground or above ground, carrying it to the city where the vital liquid was required for its consumption.

Through the research carried out, his­torical antecedents of the water supply system were analyzed, evaluating how significant aqueducts were for the city. In addition, they played a very important role which was to provide a sector of the inhabitants with a highly essential ser­vice such as water; and to another large sector, the service of utility sinks or Pilas and public stone laundries.

The point of departure of this research is the information that exists at the Mu­nicipal Historical Archives of La Antigua Guatemala. The document “Sobre que se formen los Becerros de las aguas ur­banas 1833” is the basis in the quantifi­cation of the consumption of Pajas de agua - per family - in the years of 1833 and 1834, emphasizing the relation wa­ter versus population. Determining that water is not only a service, but a symbol of social status.


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Author Biography

Miriam Frinee Estrada Arriaza, Consultora independiente

La Arquitecta Miriam Frinee Estrada Arriaza tiene una Maestría en Restauración de Monumentos, especialidad en Bienes Inmuebles y Centros Históricos por la USAC. Actualmente cursa el doctorado en Arquitectura en la misma institución.



How to Cite

Estrada Arriaza, Miriam Frinee. “The Use of Water in the Urban Space of the City of La Antigua Guatemala from 1833 to 1834”. Avance 11, no. 2 (November 30, 2017): 11–25. Accessed November 21, 2024.