Study of the theoretical and epistemological basis of the Faculty of Architecture, USAC.



curriculum, epistemology, phenomenology, space, structuralism, systemic thinking


The constant evolution of society demands a constant revision of the learning processes, for that reason, the Faculty of architecture has been promoting a process of curricular restructure. The development of has made clear the coexistence of many thinking and learning approaches, which establishes the necessity to answer this question: which are the theoretical and epistemological basis of the Faculty of Architecture of USAC? In order to answer to this question, it has been developed a mixed methods research, qualitative and quantitative, taking into account the teachers of the Faculty of Architecture. The study had a first qualitative phase, during which, the perceptions of the teachers, regarding theoretical and epistemological aspects were explored through academic dialogues, a second phase included a survey; feed on the questions that emerged on the precedent phase. Finally, a third phase, with new dialogues and a phenomenological exercise.


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Author Biography

Mario Raúl Ramírez de León, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Dr. Arq. Mario Ramírez: Graduado de Arquitecto en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala en 1993, en la que en 2006 obtiene la Maestría en Restauración y Conservación de Monumentos y en 2007 la Maestría en Diseño Arquitectónico. Estudió en la universidad de la Sapienza de Roma la Maestría en Diseño de Hospitales que finaliza en 2006. En 2013 obtiene el Doctorado en Arquitectura en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.



How to Cite

Ramírez de León, Mario Raúl. “ USAC”. Avance 9, no. 2 (November 30, 2016): 63–79. Accessed September 24, 2024.

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