Prospective of environmental deterioration and the landscape, as a consequence of the evolution of the human being



Ciudades sostenibles. Diseño del paisaje, cambio climático.


From the analysis of the historical investigation of humanity developed by Yuval Harari, the purpose of the essay is to review argumentatively and critically the scientific evidence, of the traces that human walking has generated, exceeding the consumption of what nature provides, causing catastrophic impacts on the environment, transforming the appearance and function of natural and urban landscapes, affecting their health and putting their own survival at risk in the medium and long term. There is insufficient achievement in the face of efforts that humanity has been making for 50 years to correct the environmental crisis. 60% of the world population will be concentrated in cities by 2030 and it is where 70% of carbon emissions are currently produced, the urgent thesis is proposed that the United Nations Organization generate a policy to lead countries to Promotion of sustainable and intelligent cities and buildings with landscape design, to help regenerate and protect the environment, allowing a healthy future for human beings and the biodiversity of ecosystems. The permanence of life on the planet will only be possible if the right decisions are made before it is too late. 


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Author Biography

Carlos Enrique Valladares Cerezo, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Carlos Enrique Valladares Cerezo, ARQUITECTO, Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, USAC. Posgrados: DESARROLLO RURAL REGIONAL INTEGRADO, CERUR, Israel, 1989. Desarrollo Rural Integrado, INDAP, Chile 1997. PROMOCIÓN DE AMBIENTES SALUDABLES, MASICA/OPS - OMS/ACEPESA. Costa Rica 1996. DESARROLLO SOPORTABLE, MEDIO AMBIENTE, ARQUITECTURA Y ECONOMÍA, Bolivia, 1994. DISEÑO DE PROYECTOS AMBIENTALMENTE SANOS Y EVALUACIONES DE IMPACTO AMBIENTAL, Guatemala. CONAMA 1994. FORMULACIÓN Y EJECUCIÓN DE PROYECTOS MUNICIPALES, IBAM, Brasil, 1990. Ex decano de la Facultad de Arquitectura, ex secretario General de la USAC. 


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How to Cite

Valladares Cerezo, Carlos Enrique. “Prospective of Environmental Deterioration and the Landscape, As a Consequence of the Evolution of the Human Being”. Avance 24, no. 1 (June 28, 2024): 70–93. Accessed September 24, 2024.