Synesthesia applied to Graphic Design: Techniques to create relevant and creative experiences



synesthetic techniques, design, multisensorial, user.


The objective of this essay is to "Identify which synesthetic techniques have been tested and proven to be more effective and can be implemented as part of the creative process in graphic design projects in higher education." A qualitative research model has been developed, which includes gathering information from books and articles, conducting interviews with experts, and comparing theoretical and practical knowledge. As a result, 50 synesthetic techniques have been identified that have a high creative potential for enhancing multisensorial experiences in design. 


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Author Biography

María Gutiérrez de Melgar, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

María Gutiérrez, especialista en branding, docente e investigadora en diseño con una sólida trayectoria. Su dedicación se ha centrado en influir en la educación superior de Guatemala, impartiendo cursos y participando activamente en investigaciones y conferencias internacionales sobre diseño y pedagogía. Su trabajo se enfoca en la evolución y las mejores prácticas del diseño en un entorno educativo, busca contribuir al desarrollo de futuros diseñadores y al avance de la disciplina a nivel académico. 


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez de Melgar, María. “Synesthesia Applied to Graphic Design: Techniques to Create Relevant and Creative Experiences”. Avance 23, no. 2 (September 19, 2024). Accessed September 24, 2024.