The Architecture For Education During The Government Of General Ubico

A combination of hygienism and liberal thinking


  • Ana Verónica Carrera Vela Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala


education, history, educational buildings, hygiene, architecture


The work of infrastructure built by dictator Jorge Ubico, is vast and monumental, bridges (built more than 80 years ago) are still standing, the National Palace, the Post Office Building and many more, resisted the earthquake of 1976 and continued in use. But in the above listed buildings there are no "typical educational buildings" designed and built during his government. That absence does not seem consistent with his campaign offerings of 1930, in which he promised to his constituents a total change of the educational system and to end illiteracy, among others. According to critics and narrations of the time, her 16 campaign offerings were fulfilled, at least between 1931 and 1938, so that, through qualitative research, of the educational area that uses documentary and hermeneutical tools, the "Messages of the President of the Republic Genera Jorge Ubico directed to the Legislative National Assembly ", in search of educational buildings were analyzed. At the end of the analysis, it was possible to establish that the rural schools were these typical buildings, of design using the hygienist concepts of the time, with aesthetic characteristics of simplicity that were constructed in most of the Republic.


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How to Cite

Carrera Vela, Ana Verónica. “The Architecture For Education During The Government Of General Ubico: A Combination of Hygienism and Liberal Thinking”. Avance 21, no. 2 (November 30, 2022): 24–45. Accessed December 4, 2024.

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